Mercado de beleza e empreendedorismo fashion: uma revisão bibliográfica


  • Grecy Kally Fernandes da Silva Bastos Unibra
  • Jeane Calado da Silva Souza Unibra
  • Luís Fernando Pinheiro Bispo Unibra
  • Allisson Ronaldo da Silva Mendes Unibra
  • Amanda Kelle Cavalcante de Souza Unibra
  • Ana Cláudia Souza Lins Unibra
  • Andrezza Paula Silva Lima Unibra
  • Bruna Araújo Aleixo Unibra
  • Bruno Rafael Torres Ferreira Unibra
  • Cibely Oliveira Nery Rodrigues Valença Unibra
  • Diego Harlen Ramos de Melo Unibra
  • Jefferson da Silva Santos Unibra
  • orge Gomes da Silva Sobrinho Unibra
  • , Kássia Roberta Rodrigues de Souza Unibra
  • Marcela Araujo de Freitas Brito Unibra
  • Paula Rios Pinto da Silva Rego Unibra
  • Paulo Icaro de Sales Freitas Unibra
  • Rafael Chagas Lins Unibra
  • Renata Maia Unibra
  • Roberta Queiroz Miranda Unibra


Beauty, Consumption, Entrepreneurship, Marketing segmentation


The objective of this research is to understand how consumer behavior has changed over the years, up until the present day, and how this has impacted the beauty market and its target audience. Through a literature review, it was possible to conclude that the beauty market has been increasingly encompassing new segments, and this opens space for entrepreneurship, which, combined with the implementation of strategies, guarantees a highly profitable sector that contributes to the maintenance of brands. However, although it is clear that the articles lack a more in-depth approach to these new types of consumption, it is possible to see that this sector has been diversifying and including new segments successfully.

