A psicologia das cores na identidade de marca: o impacto das cores na percepção do consumidor por meio de logotipos


  • Matheus Melquiades Martins Silva Unibra
  • Rafael Chagas Lins Unibra
  • Jorge Gomes da Silva Sobrinho Unibra
  • Jefferson da Silva Santos Unibra
  • Cibely Oliveira Nery Rodrigues Valença Unibra
  • Amanda Kelle Cavalcante de Souza Unibra
  • Allisson Ronaldo da Silva Mendes Unibra
  • Renata Maia Unibra
  • Roberta Queiroz Miranda Unibra


Color, Marketing, Color psychology, Logos, Brands


After Isaac Newton created the “Color Wheel,” which is basically a definitive guide to colors that allows us to practically understand the relationship between colors and how they relate to each other, color theory was developed, exploring its effects on the human brain. This prompted studies on primary, secondary, tertiary, complementary, warm, and cool colors. In marketing, the appropriate use of colors can impact sales, reputation, and brand memory. For example, the McDonald's logo uses colors that stimulate appetite and enthusiasm. We can see that many neighborhood fast food restaurants, for example, opt for red and yellow in their logos. Color psychology has become crucial in marketing, as it can increase consumer interest and strengthen brand connections. Through this work, we can see that the accurate choice of colors improves visual communication, effectively conveying planned messages. Therefore, the correct use of colors in logos can positively influence brands. With marketing strategies constantly evolving, the choice of colors in logos is essential to create strong bonds with consumers. This work aims to demonstrate, through case studies, the importance of color psychology in brand identity and its significant impact.

