O uso do Tamoxifeno no tratamento do Câncer de Mama


  • Leandro Miranda Silva
  • Alexsandra de Andrade Silva Bernardo
  • Gina Fabiana Lima de Morais
  • Ana Beatriz Evangelista Oliveira Menezes
  • Gustavo Henrique da Silva Fernandes
  • Luiz da Silva Maia Neto Centro Universitário Brasileiro


Tamoxifeno. Câncer de mama. Hormonioterapia.


Tamoxifen is the first anti-estrogen therapy targeting the estrogen receptor, widely used in the adjuvant treatment of breast cancer and chemoprevention in high-risk women. Its action is dual: it functions as an estrogen antagonist in breast tissues, inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, and as an estrogen agonist in the endometrium, which may increase the risk of endometrial cancer. It is one of the most commonly prescribed antineoplastic drugs worldwide, particularly in pre- and post-menopausal women. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effects of tamoxifen in breast cancer treatment and its potential consequences. To this end, a bibliographic review was conducted based on scientific articles published between 2011 and 2021, available in databases such as SciELO, PubMed, BVS, and Google Scholar. In addition to its essential role in reducing breast cancer recurrence, studies highlight the risks associated with long-term use, such as venous thromboembolism and endometrial cancer, with constant monitoring recommended, especially in postmenopausal patients. Drug monitoring is crucial for identifying and managing adverse reactions, ensuring the safety and efficacy of the treatment. Therefore, it is essential that patients receive proper guidance on the benefits and risks of tamoxifen, promoting a safer and more effective therapeutic approach.

